360 To How Dbd
Useless By Means Of Daylight Hours The Way To 360 Youtube 360'ing around a tree or a car wall to reason a killer to lumberjack or dinger respectively. 360'ing in a corn area to cause them to lose you absolutely in or round a door, window, or pallet to faux them out. simply knowing a way to press keys and circulate your mouse does not suggest you realize how to 360. Come play with me on my discord: discord. gg/dxz4jnx what other tutorials could you like to look on my channel? ensure to comment down below your thoughts. i have some stuff to share: steam. The point of a 360 is to circle around the killer to throw off their vehicle-intention or just purpose in 360 to how dbd general so survivors will try and circle the killer to make this feasible. in case you take a step returned they wont be able to circle around you and maximum probably will be right in the front of you, so in case you assume a survivor is set to 360 you may take a step again. Nearly every tutorial i look for...